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Panel discussion on STEM Northern New Mexico College Associate Vice President for Student Success Larry Guerrero joined a lively panel discussion on STEM in Schools sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Los Alamos County at the Los Alamos ScienceFest on July 16. The event also featured panels on Growing STEM in Local Communities and the Future of Tech Opportunities in Northern New Mexico. Jeff Avery, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for DOE’s Environmental Management, was the featured panelist for the event.
Century Bank Donation to NNMC Century Bank Senior Vice President and Espanola Market President Thomas Martinez presented a $5,000 check for the Northern Scholarship Fund to President Hector Balderas. Century Bank has donated over $60,000 towards NNMC student scholarships and student success initiatives in the past decade.
Career Pathways Scholarships 2024 We are thrilled to announce that 10 of our outstanding students have been awarded the 2024 Career Pathways Scholarships from the LANL Foundation! For students who have a clear vision of their career paths and are motivated to gain the necessary skills and credentials, an associate degree or certification can be a game-changer. Career Pathways Scholarships support high school students and adult learners aiming to earn an associate degree, certification, or professional trade credential. These scholarships are valued at $750 per semester, up to a total of $3,000, with renewal contingent on maintaining good academic standing and making...
The Santa Fe Opera and Northern New Mexico College partner to create internship program A unique partnership between the Santa Fe Opera and Northern New Mexico College (NNMC) is giving Northern students the chance to experience backstage production firsthand. A new internship program provides mentoring and hands-on training to NNMC Film & Digital Media Arts (FDMA) students through shadowing the people who design and build the sets, props, and costumes.
Northern New Mexico College and Española Valley High School Students Engineer Glove to Help Mitigate Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Students from Northern New Mexico College’s (NNMC) engineering program and Española Valley High School’s (EVHS) Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program are applying engineering skills they are studying to a project that could significantly improve the lives of Parkinson’s patients. Under the direction and mentorship of Dr. Steve Cox, Associate Professor/Engineering Technology at NNMC, and Española Valley High teachers Janice Badongen Patal-e and Lyne Salero, the students are designing a glove that applies small brief vibrations to the fingertips to alleviate symptoms of the disease.